Copyright ©KINGSTON 12 Hi-Fi.All rights reserved.
*Kingston12 Hi-Fi is a Jamaican Sound System custom built by Reggae artist innovator and sound proprietor SHINEHEAD.
*In 3 months in 2016, SHINEHEAD built 4 double scoops with 18 inch drivers after studying spec’s, watching YouTube videos of speaker construction, consulting with Tony Screw whose soundsystem was also built by the same man who built Jack Ruby’s sound, KING JAMMYs, and other audiophiles. He also built the tops for midrange sounds, and acquired horns on the top for high frequencies.
*Not wanting to be called a sound without having a physical sound drove SHINEHEAD to this endeavor, and on Memorial weekend in May 2016, SHINEHEAD and DJ PAPALOTL launched their soundsystem in Downtown Los Angeles with only half of their sound (2 scoops) much to the enjoyment of Reggae Dancehall fans, and followed up with all scoops at the end of July 2016; these are their #SOUNDfiSOUND event series that they’ll be following up seasonally with different themes.
*The system comprises of 4 double scoops; each bass speaker has two 18 inch speaker drivers. Bass speakers are 4 feet high and roughly 3 feet wide made out of baltic birch wood with a certain count of thickness that allows the deep resonance that you hear thundering from faraway.
*Above each bass speaker is a top comprising of mid-range and high frequency driver speakers.
*The combination equals to nearly 40,000 watts of warm, booming sound!